Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just Your "Average" College Student

Look at me - dressed all professional for my volunteer work last semester!

As a 22 year old college student, you'd think I'm just starting out, but the truth is I've been in college since I was 17. Just call me a professional student!
I experienced dorm life from the time I was 17 until I turned 19. Junior college is a great place to try dorming, but I'm so glad I now have access to a stove!

I live in student housing, now that I'm in my 2nd year of University, and it's certainly a step up from dorming. I have my own bathroom and my own bedroom, but I share common space with 3 other people of mixed genders which can be a little trying at times. I work 20+ hours a week and barely manage to pay rent and my phone bill (prepaid, don't hate) and still manage to buy food.

My primary goal for this blog is to not only document this experience we call life, but to provide a little insight on what life is like for your "average," working-class, college student trying to get her Master's degree in Social Work. Not to get all feelsy on anyone, but I end up feeling A LOT. As the title of this blog suggests, I'm broke, stressed, and sleep deprived. For numerous reasons. Not only am I going to document my life this way (whenever I can), I'm also going to provide my coping mechanisms and attempt to provide any advice I possibly can for those that might have the same issues as me (provided there are those who desire the advice). 

I'm not just a college student. I'm also an artist. I have an AA in visual arts and I'm super proud of that. I also make jewelry and sell it online for a little extra cash (I'm broke. I need it). I also crochet and knit. I own a ferret, his name is Gadget, and he's amazing and goofy. I love to cook. I recently lost my mother (in October of 2012) and I'm also newly single - I got out of an emotionally damaging 3 1/2 year relationship/engagement this past summer.

I clearly have a lot going on. Whether or not anyone reads or follows my blog is a totally irrelevant concept to me. My blog is intended for me - self-awarness is a VERY big deal in social work. This is the road to better my self-awareness and myself.

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